Before moving ahead with Coronavirus Scams protection, the first thing you have to know is Coronavirus Scams. A typical Coronavirus scam involves a phishing email that recommends that it is from a government agency, like the FTC or even the CDC, trying to get connected with you. Its goal is to either get information about you or to steal or hack your money. In this guide, we will discuss some facts to stay protected against Coronavirus Scams but before that, let’s discuss the working procedure of these scams. Coronavirus scams work such many other email-based scams just by tapping into your fears so that you react without thinking. You get an email supposedly from an important government source, and you feel obliged to reply or do whatever it states to do. Some of the messages are easy to spot, thanks to poor usage of the grammar or spelling but others can seem extremely professional and as if they are actually from the source they say they are. Almost all Coronavirus phishing e...
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